Our Process
Realise your dreams with BlueTongue Homes
Enjoy simplicity with BlueTongue Homes
At BlueTongue Homes, we believe that building your dream home should be an exciting and stress-free experience. Our streamlined process ensures that every step, from pre-construction to colour selection, is simple and straightforward. We guide you through a clear and transparent pre-construction phase, where our expert team works closely with you to finalise designs and get your dream home underway.
Step One
Home Selection & Sales Estimate
- Select your new BlueTongue home design
- Discuss any desired design and inclusion changes with your sales consultant
- Request estimate from your sales consultant once the design is finalised
- BlueTongue to complete site inspection (if land is registered) and complete sales estimate

Step Two
- Accept your sales estimate and pay (non-refundable) deposit to secure your architectural drawings and official tender
- Attend tender presentation with your sales consultant to view your plans and tender
- Accept your plans and tender and pay (non-refundable) deposit* to advance to contract
*Deposits are credited to the contract value should you proceed

Step Three
- Attend HIA standard contract presentation appointment
- Sign HIA contract in person or via DocuSign
- BlueTongue to order home owner's warranty certificate
- Pay first progress payment (balance of 10% of the building contract value)

Step Four
- BlueTongue to lodge your plans for BASIX approval
- BlueTongue to lodge your plans to estate review panel (if applicable)
- BlueTongue to lodge your plans to Sydney Water for approval
- BlueTongue to lodge your plans for DA/CDC approval
- BlueTongue to lodge your plans for Construction Certificate approval

Step Five
Colour Selection
- Client to receive colour selection package
- Client to attend colour selection appointments at specific supplier selection studios (where applicable)
- Client to attend colour selection appointment at the BlueTongue Homes Colour Studio
- Complete colour selections and electrical design

Step Six
Slab Stage
- Site is cut/benched
- Piers drilled & poured
- Slab formed up
- Internal drainage installed
- Slab is poured
- Progress payment invoiced (10%)
Important Notes:
- All progress payments must be submitted to your lending institution promptly
Frame Stage
- Wall frames completed & braced
- Progress payment invoiced (15%)
Important Notes:
- All progress payments must be submitted to your lending institution promptly
Structure Stage
- Frames straightened and all structural supports installed
- Roof frame completed & braced
- Windows installed
- Electrical, gas & plumbing rough-in completed
- Eaves, barge, external cladding & roof coverings fixed
- Progress payment invoiced (35%)
Important Notes:
- All progress payments must be submitted to your lending institution promptly
Fixings Stage
- Internal architraves, skirtings, doors, cupboards and detailed joinery installed
- Plasterboard finished & cornices fixed
- Exterior downpipes & penetrations completed
- Progress payment invoiced (15%)
Important Notes:
- All progress payments must be submitted to your lending institution promptly
Painting Stage
- All ceramic tiling installed
- Interior & exterior painting completed
- Progress payment invoiced (5%)
Important Notes:
- All progress payments must be submitted to your lending institution promptly
Practical Completion
- Interior fit-off (door furniture, bathroom accessories, robe rails, etc.) completed
- Progress payment invoiced (10%)
Important Notes:
- All progress payments must be submitted to your lending institution promptly
- Complete handover walkthrough with BlueTongue staff
- Receive the keys for your new BlueTongue Home!